WIC: Women, Infants,
and Children Program
South Monroe WIC Clinic
424 S Monroe Ave
Green Bay, WI 54301
WIC is a program that helps with nutrition for:
- Pregnant or breastfeeding women or postpartum women who had a baby in the last six months
- Infants
- Children under five years old
How WIC does that:
- Teaches you how to use WIC foods to improve your health
- Helps you to buy some foods to stay healthy and strong
- Supports breastfeeding
- Shares tips on meal planning and recipes on a budget
- Referrals to other health and nutrition services
WIC is available to women/children who:
- Live in Wisconsin
- Are pregnant, breastfeeding or had a baby in the last six months
- Have an infant/children under five years old
- Have a health or nutrition need
- Meet income guidelines

See if you qualify and/or learn more about WIC and the Brown County Breastfeeding Coalition
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Click here for Nondiscrimination Statement